Just a heads up to let you know that the
Canadian Cancer Society is organizing the
Relay for Life on May 27 from 10 am to 10pm teams will run, walk, stroll around a track. A celebration of survival and a tribute to the lives of loved ones who have been touched by cancer. Twelve hours of fun, friendship and fundraising to beat cancer. Communities from coast to coast, taking up the fight. Find a Relay for Life in your community and show your support,help make cancer history.
My team is walking in support Barb, my friend and former co-worker, who is currently fighting brain cancer. We also walk in support of her husband, her sons, her family, and friends. If you would like to make a general donation to the Relay for Life, visit
Here, or to support our team, visit here
Barb.com's Army. Lastly, if you would like to pledge me in the Walk for Life copy and paste this link to your browser because the link I'm leaving on blogger is not working, GAHHHH here it is Michelle's pledge page:
I finished all the hats, and was able to drop them off to Barb last night. Here they are stacked before being packed away in bright orange, red, turqoise and pink hat box,which of course I forgot to take pictures of. Fantastic really take my word for it. They hats looked great on her, and I hope to knit a few more, I think two I knit maybe a little big.
edited to fix my pledge link)