Thursday, February 16, 2006

Olympic Update Day ??? I've lost count

Wow so much to tell you, I think a photo review is in order.

First we have End of Day 5:

Still working on the back

End of Day 6:

Back almost complete

For V-Day (which btw is not a big deal at our house) the boys picked these:

These were completely closed until I put them in warm water then BAM! instant bloom.

My dog Griffin, and his "lady" friend, had puppies on Saturday. This is Brindle with her puppies 2 girls and 2 boys.

"L" (my 4 yr old) wanted to learn this:

He is surprisingly dextorious and already has the hang of it, except of course the wrapping of the yarn. On the way to daycare this morning he asked when we go home can we knit? My heart was mush!

And yesterday K found out he made the school basketball team! Way to go K!

Then to top it all off this came in the mail yesterday:

Wahooo, CAN-A-DA, CAN-A-DA! And the size I ordered fits my office chair perfectly.


tammy said...

Your Butterfly is so beautiful. Your inspiring me to complete mine once this Olympic madness is done! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! You're doing well! Congrats all around for your family - making the basketball team, learning to knit, & the puppies! Things have certainly been jumping at your plac. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am also knitting the Noro Butterfly sweater for the Olympics. I am only on the back of the cardigan with 18" done, hope to be finished soon and starting on the front or sleeves.

Your Butterfly looks so lovely, I am jealous, good luck to your Gold medal finish!

Janice B. in Wisconsin