Saturday, February 18, 2006


Today another beautiful day, another day torn between knitting and spending some time outside with the family in the sun for a walk to the beach. No need to be torn I changed to the Biathalon, knitting and walking (as much as I wanted it to be knitting and shooting :) Thats my white jersey sticking out of my jacket. And for the Butterfly update, those are two sleeves ont he needles. The back is complete.

Photo courtesy of "L"

edited to add click hereto see larger picture blogger doesn't like when I upload using the largest picture size?

We spent a few hours on the beach, running around in the sand and checking out tidal pools. Ok, ok I didn't run but the kids and the dogs did, isn't knitting and walking enough?

Also,these two items, the Laplumato Shawl , and the Odessa hat without beads have been gifted along with the finally felted Fuzzy feet (sorry I forget to take pictures of them felted) I hope they bring the recepient much comfort in the coming weeks. I wish her all my best , and will be thinking of her.

Doesn't Griffin make a great Vanna White?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like a great day to be out walking and knitting. I've never master that technique.